Empty pictures

The mobile phone allows you to capture moods that perhaps a thousand words or four poems don't.
The view from my room that I wanted to preserve for my month long odyssey in the Indian city of hope, glory and all that jazz by the bay.
Though the trip itself has been not very bleak but at least the blog should remain consistently so. The world and I need to stay attached to our dark side.
I wanted to attach another pic. Not quite as dreamy but certainly as empty. The software however, resists. Placing it within the text where the flow of my wallowing gets affected. The first form of resistance to the public expression of this sort of depression. May be there is a fun-loving God after all. Or at least a digital daemon.
With such resistance and also with a regulated vent, I probably will run out of bleakness soon. But till then let's keep up the bleag.
A seasonal low
What inspires the worse feeling? Having nothing to do on a New Year's Eve? Or needing to stay at home at New Year's Eve because it's never quite lived up to all that you'd want from it. From chasing the parties, to driving in the fog, to being forced to spend the night with some seedies who're stuck with you, because you gambled this year to do just one party and not the usual tasteless hopping.
I think I'll return to poetry for the next post.
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