On Answers
Build it and they will come
Be light and be fun
Empty your mind go Vipasana
Be quiet be open
Be a conduit for energy
Just be
Jest be
And wait
Don't gyrate, don't twist the mind
the mind alas, doesn't have the answer
it barely understands the question
Don't accept don't shun
Don't expect that there'll be just one
Don't expect in fact
Leave it
It will come.
Or if if doesn't you won't be worried about it
You won't be hurried about it
You won't be about it
May be that's all there is to it
Like everything else that's important to you
Be counterintuitive
Give it less importance and it will come
The final divine cock-tease
The only things that come to you are things that you don't need
Attraction is a flow
from lower to higher
from need to desired
of wanting to not wanted
The answers will come when you stop asking the question
when the question itself is meaningless.